
I am very excited to begin this blog. My hope is that it might help many families to better organize and enjoy even more their time with their children!!

I will write about family plans, tips for cooking, ideas for educating children… and about whatever you might want to know!! If you’d like me to write about a specific topic, don’t hesitate to email me at comoserfelizconunodostreshijos@gmail.com

I believe that coming from a family of 16 kids and having 18 of my own has given me a lot of experience… We are going to have a great time together 🙂

The problems and struggles, that is, the opportunities to better educate, are always the same: jealousy, trouble sleeping at night, never-ending crying, or the constant “no, no, no” of the kids to the rules of the house…

I’m so excited to begin sharing this with you all!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Blog at WordPress.com.

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Allende mis pensamientos

Leo, luego pienso. Pienso, luego escribo.


Ser y vivir en clave de familia

